Flavius Dickmu, a student from Cameroun, recently spoke to CFM
Media and Communication on how he was disappointed by his family after he
completed his secondary education in 1989 and what CFI has done to his life.
Flavius who is currently forty something years said he is the second born in the family. According to him, it happened that after he completed his secondary
education about 32 years ago, his parents along with his elder brother said
they will raise money and support him to go into business and so he should lay
aside the idea of going to school. As it was a family agreement, Flavius submitted
to the idea and waited for them to fulfill their promise which was not coming
even after thirty years. Flavius said his life became useless and he was so arrogant
and highly disobedient to everyone to the point that his parents gave up him.
Meanwhile, while Flavius was promised capital for investment, his siblings later went to school and are doing well. His elder brother is a medical doctor while others are lecturing in higher institutions. Flavius is the only one among them that is illiterate. After thirty years, Flavius who initially felt his life has been wasted and there was no hope for a better future, met a pastor in Cameroun who had graduated from Christian Faith Institute. The pastor told him that there is always hope in Christ and at the same time introduced Christian Faith Institute as a place his life can be revived.
This news according to Flavius was the turning point of his
life. No one could believe that at his age in life, anything good could come out
of it. Flavius said even though his family had already given up on him, he
decided to share with them his decision to go to the bible college in Nigeria. Looking
at his life at that time, no one was willing to invest anything in him and therefore
both his parents and three of his siblings rejected the idea and were not
willing to support him. Only his younger sister, the last born who is also a
lecturer, held his hand with a promise to support
him if that is what he was planning to do.
After a few months the pastor who was encouraging Flavius to
trust in the Lord left their church in Cameroun to pastor
a church in Nigeria. A few weeks later, Flavius gathered up his things and left Cameroun
without any form of identity or traveling papers in an attempt to locate CFI in Nigeria.
After crossing Cameroun’s borders into Nigeria, his money was exhausted, and he had to spend an extra two months fellowshipping with a small church he met on the journey. He was
preaching and teaching in Sunday school until one day it became clear to the
congregation that Flavius was actually going to the seminary but stopped over because
of financial problems. The church contributed money and handed it over to Flavius
and he arrived in CFI, where Flavius now claims his life has completely change.
On his arrival, Flavius came with no money but was received into
the bible college. It was a few weeks after Flavius arrived in CFI that his parents
who initially rejected him began to make all efforts to contact him. They could
not believe that Flavius could be serious in life, not even once. After they had
succeeded, they spoke to him in a different tone and even requested an
account number so that they could send money. And this time around they sent money and even promised to do more most, especially Flavius’s younger sister.
Flavius spent one semester and went back to Cameroun for practical.
Flavius said his father could not believe the change he saw in him, to the point
that Flavius' father told his mother that Flavius was no longer the same
person that left to Nigeria. Flavius’s mother said that she could only believe because the testimony was coming from him.
According to Flavius words, “My mother could not believe my father’s
report that Flavius had changed. But they were all convinced by the time I spent
days with them. I lost hope in life, I didn’t expect to be in a place like CFI
where my life would be reshaped. I can confidently tell you that I came to CFI
with an empty head but now I am going out with something. As you can see, this pair
of shoes I am putting on is my handwork. CFI has given me access to vocational
skills and now I can make any footwear. I can boast of CFI anywhere I
go. It is indeed a place that has everything one needs to become great. I can
confidently tell anyone that CFI has transformed me and I want everyone especially
those who feel cheated or disappointed in life to come to this place because I
am a living testimony. I felt there is no hope and even my family saw no hope
in me but CFI has given me hope. I have every reason to thank God for Christian
Faith Institute (CFI). I don’t even want to go back to my country again, I will
only pay them a visit. I have decided to stay here in Nigeria and serve in
any church”.
CFI Sports Week - Flavius taking a corner kick during a football match between diploma year one and year two
Indeed, with God, nothing shall be impossible. What Flavius’ parents thought was impossible has been done beyond their imagination. Flavius' testimony is really encouraging, most especially to those who for any reason have given up in life. God always has a plan and nothing can stop Him from executing His plan. He has used CFI to execute His plan in the life of Flavius.
Flavius has just concluded his diploma programme with the
college and is considering furthering to the degree level to learn more about
Christ who loves the poor. Let us put Flavius in our prayers as his heart
yearns for the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.