Christian Faith Vocational Center (CFVC) is making a huge
difference in the life of both youths and adults. The Vocational
Center is registered with Nigerian government under Cooperate Affair Commission
Since inception of Christian Faith Vocational Centre in 2016, hundreds of youths drawn from different cultural background have been empowered intellectually and competently to stand on their own. A lot of these youths trained in Christian Faith vocational center under different categories of skills have established their own business.
It means a lot to the society because
it is gradually reducing dependency, unemployment, crime and other social vices which
paralysis the entire nation’s economy.
Vocational skills offered include;
- Cinematography (Photography)
- Catering
- Hair Styling
- Leather Works
- Metal works
- Tiling
- Computer (Hardware and Software)
- Carpentry
- Electrical
- Phone repairs
Every session, the vocational center trains not less than
150 youths free of charge and each session last for about six (6) months.
Even though Christian Faith Ministries spends huge amount of
money on maintenance, purchases and payment of staff monthly wages to keep the
vocational center running, it is a thing of joy as this does not only empowered
youths economically, it is bringing peace and uniting people who were previously
divided along cultural and religious line.
At the end of the training students displayed their skills as an evidence that they have been imparted with skills to make to contribute positively to the society.
Christian Faith Ministries which is a nonprofit organization
depends on people with good heart to make a difference in people’s live.