Reaching Out To Poor Widows


The only way our society or communities will be revived or strengthened is to consider the weak or the vulnerable.

Over the weekend, Christian Faith Ministries distributed goats to the poorest widows in some communities. This is to help widows that want to raise animals but don’t have money to do so. Christian Faith Ministries has come in to help them raise these goats so that in time to come, the proceeds from these goats will cover some of their bills. CFM is going to work with these widows to ensure these animals remain healthy and productive.

The widows were very excited and overwhelmed by this kind gesture. It gave them a glimpse of hope and many other people around shared in their joy and hope. This project has been sponsored by Zoetis (a global animal pharmaceutical company) after initial contact to Zoetis from a friend of CFM's in Australia. 

An aged widow overwhelmed by the kind gesture from Christian Faith Ministries

In truth, whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well. This is just the beginning; more poor widows will be reached in time to come. Christian Faith Ministries hopes to reach out to hundreds of these poor widows as she gets more funds. Zoetis launched this project through CFM after we asked Zoetis to help us with cattle clinics in our area, which have also been very successful. 

You can join Christian Faith Ministries in this life-changing project to reach out to more desperate or poor widows, to enable us to continue to continue run this project into the future. 

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