Recovering from Economic Totalitarianism and Rebuilding Local Community, Family and Environment

(First draft of some opening comments.)


At the end of the 1970’s I was studying for a bachelor of business degree in Australia. There were two strong currents in what we were being taught. One was a free global capital market. We were taught about “comparative advantage,” which meant that capital should be free to move across borders according to the best advantage in any local economy. This enabled criminals in the west to strip corporations of their assets, as they moved capital to cheaper labour regions. Western labour markets suffered, eventually giving rise to Antifa riots today. (The issue here is economic crimes, not racism.)  The middle class at first loved the cheaper products and holidays, but the middle class’s time was coming. They would not be spared. Global banks pushed this drive to privatisation, forcing developing nations to take loans in exchange for privatising their assets, after which these nations were striped of their resources. The same banks and private interests that were driving this were also driving the curriculum in universities through their “philanthropic contributions to education and research.”  

Government did nothing to stop this theft from the common people. In fact they championed this move. The likes of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan spoke of “deregulation” and “small government,” which beguiled the populous into allowing powerful business conglomerates to not only amass control of all our global resources, but also amass control of global pollical power, which always follows such a concentration of wealth. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 further beguiled us. “The victory of capitalism over communism” gave us a euphoria about capitalism that removed all its regulations that previously protected us against global monopolies. Today, two companies own and govern the global economy. BlackRock is one and BlackRock is owned by Vanguard. The shareholders of Vanguard are kept secret. We have been caught sleeping, enjoying our comforts and sports, only to wake up in chains.

One of the bedrock principles of modern democracies was the “separation of powers,” but that principle has long since passed away. Power should be distributed by the people between government, business, the judiciary, the church, labour unions, the royalty (if any). The power distribution between business and government was held in check in western nations during the communist era. Monopolies were illegal. But with the elite capital owners gaining full control, Government lies prostrate before global powers. It is elected by the people, but ruled by the oligarchs. What has enabled this shift is a topic for another discussion, but it includes bribery, mafia style threats, market controls over nations that can topple governments, wars and support of terrorism, cultural revolutions that bring about regime change, blackmail through sex and other crimes (see Jeffrey Epstein and his global network), just to mention a few. Fear is one the greatest tools. Fear of terrorism, of climate change, of pandemics, of economic collapse, results in the masses falling over themselves to give power to their real enemy, the global financial dictators, rather than seek to solve these issues ourselves with real answers. No doubt there is a spiritual warfare attached to this that is very real, though this also is not the topic at the moment.

In Australia, in the later 1990’s, prime minister John Howard’s policies increased privatisation. A predecessor, Bob Hawke, although a Labour leader, began privatisation policies during his term. No matter left or right, many western leaders are either Rhode’s scholars, or part of a similar globalist body. Howard sold the national telecom industry. This was an industry built by public money and now it was integrated into global corporate ownership (the top shareholder being Vanguard Australia), and the profits would henceforth build up private coffers and their political power. With the windfall of cash from the sale of telecom, Howard began a policy of cashback gifts to the public. The cash was then used to buy products from the main industries abroad. This policy was a win-win for global financial leaders, who had access to Australia telecom and then received their money back through the sale of their other industrial products to Australians.

This was an exportation of Australian public wealth and sovereignty outside the nation to the financial elite. It did nothing to build local economic capacity, but rather significantly depleted regional economic capacity, just like it has in all former industrial regions of the west. It was a major con job on the public. Australia has been able to balance its international payments through large scale mining, but this requires more reckless devastation to natural environments. Meanwhile, the nation is captive to the global supply chain. What Howard should have done was invest in decentralised local infrastructure. Instead of giving cash away, provide an environment that allows local people to build their own wealth and thereby sustain local family and community, without the dictatorship of central government or global financial powers. This freedom is better than buying a larger flatscreen television from Japan so we can watch more sports.

What we are aiming for isn’t a balance between government and private ownership (as in a left verses right debate), but local verses centralised ownership. A centralised ownership has no value for local resources or people, but only in what they can earn from these resources, before moving their capital to other exploitable regions. Presently, global resources are in the hands of centralised powers, and no matter their lip service towards the environment and towards the poor, they are beholden only to their own power opportunities. Local ownership of resources and economic infrastructure means the local people have sustainable opportunities and they will also use that wealth to care for their local home natural environment, upon which they depend. This sustainability secures the interests of family, which is the bedrock of healthy society. Government health handouts are therefore less necessary. Government taxation is also of limited necessity. Taxation is a witness that the economy is not just, which is why resources have to be reallocated back to the poor, from whence they were first stolen. So, we are not speaking about big government here, but government that protects local regions from the robbery of centralising powers, including government itself.

The so called covid pandemic has revealed the extent to which the global corporate sector owns our lives. They have manipulated government and media bodies to disseminate propaganda about their vaccine program and a passport system that takes away our freedoms, they have taken away our right to research and publicly debate the information on the contents, safety and efficacy of the vaccines, and they have ensured that cheap and effective early treatment drugs are banned and that doctors lose freedom to conduct best local practice with their patients. They have taken control of the whole health sector, from which they are earning massive profits. The result? I am compelled to take a vaccine against my will without being allowed to study its usefulness and safety. This is completely contrary to the principles of democracy. The world has been hypnotised, by fear: fear of being “cancelled” by society and losing one’s job and house.  Another result? Economic power has massively shifted from the middle class/ small businesses to larger global corporate interests.

The purpose of the climate change fiasco, led by the World Economic Forum (WEF), is the same. It is nothing less than a globalist corporate takeover bid of the entire economy. Back in the first industrial revolution, the British Parliament privatised the commons land, which meant poor people lost their place of abode. The early colonial Australian government sometimes followed the same policy, raising the price of land, to keep people without property and wages low. The WEF’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 follow a policy of mass urbanisation to “save the environment.” Natural waterways, photosynthesis, pollination and other natural processes, have now been monetized on the global stock markets. What was commonly owned by humanity is now being sold off to centralised economic powers. This results in by far the largest speculative profits in the history of stock markets. What is required to save the environment is returning economy and sovereignty to local regions, so community is able to care for and restore their natural resources. This is the model of holistic care we see in the Genesis creation.

The main issue we are facing today is not left verse right. Capitalism verses communism, the idea that we must support global corporations, because if we don’t then we are leftists, is a red herring. The covid “pandemic” has taken leftists captive. They are the main supporters of Davos (WEF) now, not only for vaccines, but also the proposed “climate measures.” In being beguiled by leftist collectivism, they are playing into the hands of global corporate power. Labour unions have been decimated. The poor have become poorer, in very large degrees. Neither is the issue one of racism, as portrayed by the corporate elite who sponsor racial cultural revolutions. It is the elite corporate powers who keep the poor poor, not racism in our societies. Racism exists, but it doesn’t have the impact upon the poor that global corporatism does. The cultural revolution is a distraction. Neither is the issue one of nationalism verses global cooperation. We can cooperate globally in freedom, not a central dictatorship. The vision we support is local economic sovereignty, with support for other local regions to achieve the same: neighbourliness. This is the most antiracist program we can follow: one that enables all local ethnic groups and regions to flourish, without the manipulation of their local capital base. We are engaged in a war against economic globalist greed, in which globalists are manoeuvring to establish a dictatorship, where the future us all is at stake. What we don’t want is a right wing response because that will build sympathies towards the globalists.

Above I mentioned two strong currents that were taught in the university in which I studied business and economics in the late 1970’s. One I have discussed, which was the compelling school of thought regarding open global financial borders. The other compelling doctrine was concerning cultural uniformity. Coca-Cola is a good example of this. We know how products like this export a cultural hegemony around the world. Cultural hegemony helps the spread of the corporate interests abroad.  At our university, we had a Society and Culture lecturer whose doctrine was a strongman, enforcing itself upon every faculty on the campus. She was an open lesbian (which was uncommon in those days) who publicly disdained Moses as our culture’s worst enemy, and bullied every student into submission to her ideas. All had to embrace her centrist culture that broke down all local expressions of variety, freedom and faith.

Since the 1970’s this doctrine has permeated all societies around the world. We have seen some hard-line responses to this, like the Iranian revolution and others. Today, it has reached a peak, where sportspeople, public personalities, and academics lose their carriers for vocalising any doctrine contrary to the enforced hegemony. What is the reason for this? One reason is that cultural hegemony breaks down local autonomy, local thought and invention and local resistance to the relentless economic surge of those in control. Local expression is a defence against global monopolisation. Cultural hegemonizers don’t care about the minority groups they claim to be defending, but only about securing weakened leadership at a local level.

This is what the “cancel culture” is about. It’s an economic strategy. Outsiders override local expression with their new “ethic,” so they can enforce their rule over the local community. But the reason for this rule is to open doors for their wider economic influences and control. It’s clear empire building. This is why we must retrieve local community and determinism. This local expression reverses the demoralising influence of global economic “ethics” which erodes all humanitarian values, including those of the family. The dollar becomes the only remaining “value.” Without family we have escalating crime and social breakdown. Re-establishing local community is paramount to returning religious values of safety and flourishing back to humanity. These religious values must include caring for the minorities, instead of a right wing marginalisation. We have a lot of political correctness (draining gnats) in what we name minorities groups today. What we call each other is far less important than how we treat and care for others.

Two weeks ago, Christian Faith Ministries (CFM) was invited to a dinner held every two years by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), to receive the award for “Best Initiative in Community Development.” Driving to the event I was speaking to a Muslim neighbour and friend about the need for Christian and Muslim neighbours to band together to call upon banks to initiate jubilee for the Nigerian people. At the dinner, the director of the CBN spoke of her desire that the Nigerian economy flourish. It made me think: the economy flourishes as the rural masses flourish. They are the real economy. These people must be restored. Their restoration, not the bank’s profits, must be the goal of a nation’s banks. In the 1960’s, we used to have community banks in Australian rural regions, loyal to the development of the infrastructure and people of those regions. Today these banks have other masters whose interests is in fleecing local regions. Nigerian banks are ruled by foreign powers, and their policies have nothing to do with the flourishing of a local economy. The rise of global stock market numbers does not indicate economic wellbeing. It indicates that more money is being stolen from the poor and is flowing into the speculative coffers of the rich investors: like disbursements from western governments printing free fiat currency, that devastates the Nigerian Naira and thrusts millions more into poverty and death and advances depopulation.

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